Flutter Flutter

Tow months ago we got some Indian Luna Moths! We got them as small caterpillars and kept them in a plastic container. In their life cycle they start off red but then shed their skin and become green. These are called  Instars (stages not indoor stars!). The caterpillars eat hawthorn daily (and a lot of it) they grow to about the size of a sausage! After munching leaves for around 6 weeks then the caterpillar spins a cocoon and pupates for 2-3 weeks. Then they cut through the top of their cocoon and come out as a MOTH! First, in their life as a moth they hang up side down and pump their wings. Unfortunately when they turn into a moth they don’t have a mouth so they only live for about 10 days after that!

We also got some small tortioseshell butterflies.

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