Archive for the 'Challenges' Category


Hi, I’m back again with another challenge! This time it’s land art. Land art is where people go out to the woods or even their back gardens and make art using things such as leaves and sticks. Have fun making patterns with the things you can found. Maybe you could spell your name using nature. Try and get as many shapes in as you can. See what you can do!

For some inspiration here is a few pictures: click here to see

Here are some we did earlier in Kings Wood, our local wood. We had great fun doing it but in the end we had to leave because the light was going. Click on the images to enlarge.

This is a flickr slide show of work by Richard Shilling, who is an AMAZING Land Artist! Here is his website :

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.


Spring is here and the trees are bursting into life. Isaac took some photos of the cherry blossom tree at the Lynch Chapel this weekend..

blossom photos


Why not get out and spot some blossom yourselves, there’s loads out there at the moment.

And for some more inspiration here’s a Flickr Cherry Blossom group slideshow..

Spring Challenge !

nature detectives pdf

Isaac’s spotting challenge theme for the Easter break is of course… “Spring“. Tell us about what you see over the holiday and lets see your photos too.

  • Daffodils
  • Lambs
  • Blossom
  • Tadpoles

And of course you’re welcome tell us about anything else that you spot this spring.

The Woodland trust have some Easter activity sheets on their nature detectives site, including the ‘Easter Hunt spotter sheet’ seen here. Click on the photo to go to the pdf download page.

If you manage to get any photos of your spring nature spots please share them in the comments, I’ve got a page [updated again] on how to post images into your comments here.

We spotted lots if things in the holidays on Exmoor. Exmoor ponies and sheep, lambs, pheasants and a dipper.

lambs pheasant

dunkery beaconexmoor pony

Do tell us about your spots over the Easter break

Challenge #2 : “At the Seaside”

This is another ‘open’ challenge that will run all summer…

  • What we can find at the seaside ?

For inspiration this is a flickr slideshow from the British Marine Life Study Society

If you’re going to go spotting on the beach remember to be careful, follow the ‘seashore code, and watch out out for the tide ! You can download some rockpooling pdf’s here: bbc/breathingplaces/marineweek/

Here’s some more links to usefull websites for more info:

Tell us what you find down at the beach this summer !

Oh, and if you live in the middle of the prairies, or on a mountain-side, ;-), or you’re just not going to the seaside this summer, wildlife spotted at rivers and lakes will count too !

Challenge #1 : “In your Garden”

An easy challenge to start off with:

  • What creatures can you find in your garden ?

Lets see if we can find some interesting wildlife in our gardens this week. Use the comments to add your finds to this post.

Good luck from Isaac

Note: This is an “open challenge” there is no time limit. You can add anything you spot in your garden to this post whenever you like !


Here are some of the things spotters club members have found so far:

Slow Worm 2 090723.jpg

Slow Worm by Gran&Grandpa

Dragonfly by Ollie & Dan

Privet Hawk Moth by Phillip

Privet Hawk Moth by Phillip

newt #1

Newt by Sophie