My younger brother, Jacob, will now be taking photos for spottersclub as he has recently shown an interest in photography & wildlife.
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Look at this strange thing! It’s called the Red Batfish or Starry Handfish (Halieutaea stellata). This creature is at the Enoshima Aquarium in Fujisawa, Japan.
You might remember me doing a Autumn Walk. Well I’ve done another! It’s a little late but it’s here:
Look at what I found on The Kid Should See This. These birds are amazing! You’ll see what I mean when you have watched the video:
I came across this when I was looking on a website (The Kid Should See This). I thought it was really funny so I wanted to show you:
2010 is the international year of biodiversity. They have a couple of interesting surveys that you can take part in. An hours search for 14 species including; frogs, bats and draginflies and a wildflower count. All the info is on their website
This weekend we made a bug hotel. I drew some plans. Then we searched the garden for things that bugs might like to make a home in; broken terracotta pots, logs, bamboo, straw and leaves. I built up layers of different things. Daddy cut some bamboo, and I put them in a pot.
I also joined the buglife, which is a conservation trust, they sent me some lovely posters.
We have been getting ready to take part in the RSPB’s birdwatch in two weeks time. We have filled our new bird feeders and have been helping Daddy build a bird table. We are very excited and have our spotters sheets ready. For more information, go to the RSPB site here
We had great fun taking part in the big garden birdwatch today. Isaac and i set up a camera in the garden and using a remote control were able to take photo’s from inside.
The lady next door threw out some bread for the birds just as we started. We spotted lots of Herring gull, Rooks, Carrion Crows and Jackdaws. Once they had flown away some smaller birds came to the feeders. Lots of house sparrows and a starling.
Typically there was no sign of the dunnock, robin, blackbirds, songthrush, redwing, great tit, chaffinch, goldfinch or green woodpecker that we have seen over the last fortnight!
What birds can you spot in your garden?
This is a site where Isaac and his friends can post about their interesting finds, bugs, beasties, and so on.
Check out the about page for some more info on what the site is about and how to join in.
Be sure to check out the comments in this post for some cool insect videos.
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