Daily Archive for November 2nd, 2013


Hi, I’m back again with another challenge! This time it’s land art. Land art is where people go out to the woods or even their back gardens and make art using things such as leaves and sticks. Have fun making patterns with the things you can found. Maybe you could spell your name using nature. Try and get as many shapes in as you can. See what you can do!

For some inspiration here is a few pictures: click here to see

Here are some we did earlier in Kings Wood, our local wood. We had great fun doing it but in the end we had to leave because the light was going. Click on the images to enlarge.

This is a flickr slide show of work by Richard Shilling, who is an AMAZING Land Artist! Here is his website : http://richardshilling.co.uk/

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.


Look at this strange thing! It’s called the Red Batfish or Starry Handfish (Halieutaea stellata). This creature is at the Enoshima Aquarium in Fujisawa, Japan.