New Photographer

My younger brother, Jacob, will now be taking photos for spottersclub as he has recently shown an interest in photography & wildlife.



Winter Watch

Winter Watch is no on at 8:00 pm on BBC 2! I’ve been watching the program since I was 2! I have always found it a source of inspiration. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

RSPB Bird watch

The RSPB bird watch is at the end of January so get those cameras and binoculars ready to try and finds some birds! I’ll be posting some of the photos I take as well. Feel free to put some of your pictures in the comments to this post (simply copy & paste your picture into the comment box).

For inspiration here is the link to some of the photos I took from a few years bird watch: RSPB Big garden Birdwatch (2010)


Hi, I’m back again with another challenge! This time it’s land art. Land art is where people go out to the woods or even their back gardens and make art using things such as leaves and sticks. Have fun making patterns with the things you can found. Maybe you could spell your name using nature. Try and get as many shapes in as you can. See what you can do!

For some inspiration here is a few pictures: click here to see

Here are some we did earlier in Kings Wood, our local wood. We had great fun doing it but in the end we had to leave because the light was going. Click on the images to enlarge.

This is a flickr slide show of work by Richard Shilling, who is an AMAZING Land Artist! Here is his website :

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.


Look at this strange thing! It’s called the Red Batfish or Starry Handfish (Halieutaea stellata). This creature is at the Enoshima Aquarium in Fujisawa, Japan.


Summer Walk

You might remember me doing a Autumn Walk. Well I’ve done another! It’s a little late but it’s here:


Keep up the good work!

Look at what I found on The Kid Should See This. These birds are amazing! You’ll see what I mean when you have watched the video:


Splash! Splash!

We have a new visiter, that Joe in Y3 found, in our pond at home. We think it’s a kind of Newt but it is very small so it must be a baby. When things are babys you can’t really tell what kind of animal it is. We think it’s a smooth Newt. It is one of the most widespread and abundant amiphibians in Britain. (from the wildlife of Britain). They are largly nocternal so mostly come out at night!



Baby Ahhh!

I came across this when I was looking on a website (The Kid Should See This). I thought it was really funny so I wanted to show you:

Flutter Flutter

Tow months ago we got some Indian Luna Moths! We got them as small caterpillars and kept them in a plastic container. In their life cycle they start off red but then shed their skin and become green. These are called  Instars (stages not indoor stars!). The caterpillars eat hawthorn daily (and a lot of it) they grow to about the size of a sausage! After munching leaves for around 6 weeks then the caterpillar spins a cocoon and pupates for 2-3 weeks. Then they cut through the top of their cocoon and come out as a MOTH! First, in their life as a moth they hang up side down and pump their wings. Unfortunately when they turn into a moth they don’t have a mouth so they only live for about 10 days after that!

We also got some small tortioseshell butterflies.

Autumn walk

I know this is quite a late post but we have been busy lately. This is a video we took in Autum on the strawberry line I hope you enjoy watching it. Shot by Marcus & Isaac, edited by Isaac.