RSPB Big garden Birdwatch.

We have been getting ready to take part in the RSPB’s birdwatch in two weeks time. We have filled our new bird feeders and have beenĀ  helping Daddy build a bird table. We are very excited and have our spotters sheets ready. For more information, go to the RSPB site here


We had great fun taking part in the big garden birdwatch today. Isaac and i set up a camera in the garden and using a remote control were able to take photo’s from inside.

The lady next door threw out some bread for the birds just as we started. We spotted lots of Herring gull, Rooks, Carrion Crows and Jackdaws. Once they had flown away some smaller birds came to the feeders. Lots of house sparrows and a starling.

Typically there was no sign of the dunnock, robin, blackbirds, songthrush, redwing, great tit, chaffinch, goldfinch or green woodpecker that we have seen over the last fortnight!

What birds can you spot in your garden?

3 Responses to “RSPB Big garden Birdwatch.”

  • We are looking forward to spring too! Spotted a robin, blue tits and a long tailed tit in the garden this morning.

  • Hi Isaac – beautiful photographs of the birds at your feeders! Are you going to submit them to the RSPB? Xavier and Conrad came over to help me with bird spotting yesterday. We found it difficult to look over the garden and moved down to the tea house. Xavier provided the birds with some of Tammy’s wholesome bread crumbs and I scattered some bird seed and peanuts around. The blue tits fed from the feeders and we spotted one robin and a blackbird. Today, there were lots of blackbirds foraging for any remaining bread crumbs and a very daring robin landed on the bird feeder tray attached to the tea house. Lots of birds today!!!

  • We can’t get any birds in our garden, though we’ve tried! Some tips please Isaac?

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